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Corporate Engagement and Well-being

We offer a complete solution to help leaders keep their employees engaged and satisfied, based on scientific evidence and technology based on the following components: 


Lectures and mentoring for managers:  Through an initial lecture with a detailed presentation of the method, we propose mentorships for managers based on  theory of well-being  of  positive psychology, represented by the PERMA(H)  model which represents the well-being theory  from positive psychology.


 The model differs from other methodologies by working with the whole individual via realistic and gradual behavioral changes practices aiming the following topics: 


  • P - Positive Emotions- Development ofpsychological capital of employees  through the creation of a mindset of  optimism, self-confidence, hope and resilience. 

  • E - Engagement -  Helping employees to find more pleasure and fulfillment at work based on practices of flow

  • R - RelationshipsAssist in building solid relationships based on trust, recognition, empathy and assertive communication.

  • M - Meaning -Development of self-awareness of purpose, discovery of strengths of character and values as important tools for re-signification of work, and consequent increase in motivation. 

  • A - Accomplishments  - Clarity and organization of objectives and goals from the use of the planning framework WOOP (Wish, Outcome, Obstacles, Plan), practices for creating career plans and job crafting  as an effective work redesign tool.

  • H - Health- We encourage health and well-being from a scientific understanding of creating  healthy habits  in our brain and simple practices in everyday life.

Our methodology also works with the concept of healthy and resilient organizations HERO and the development of a authentic leadership of managers. 

Engagement platform and employee experience: We work with the platform15Five to help implement engagement techniques on a daily basis; 15Five is the first software platform that applies scientific principles of positive psychology from our methodology in a software solution based on the concept ofPositive Product Design through the following features of the platform: 

  •  Best-Self (You at your Best):  Analysis of character strengths, values and passions incorporated into the platform as predictors of performance and  engagement.

  • Relationships: Recognition and appreciation of collaborating  via High-Fives features.

  • Surveys: Climate and engagement continous surveys from the application of engagement measurement scales. 

  • Continuous Feedback: Daily checkins built into the platform and regular performance reviews . 

  • Meetings and 1-1s: Incorporation of different topics covered everyday such as meeting agendas and 1-1s

  • Goals: Definition of objectives, goals, OKRs and easy integration with engagement and performance metrics. 

  • Analytics:Constant visibility of performance and engagement metrics for managers as well as employee satisfaction.


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Rua Borges Lagoa,  1209

São Paulo, SP - 04038-033


Phone: +55 (11) 98525-4755

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